1. Shipping in Nagpur

  • Orders within Nagpur will be delivered within 5-6 hours.
  • Same-day delivery is available for select areas.

2. Shipping Outside Nagpur

  • Orders outside Nagpur will be delivered within 5-7 business days.
  • Delivery timelines may vary due to external factors such as holidays or courier delays.

3. Shipping Charges

  • Shipping charges will be displayed at checkout based on the delivery location.

4. Tracking Your Order

  • Customers will receive an email/SMS with tracking details once the order is shipped.

5. Delivery Issues

  • If a delivery attempt fails due to incorrect address details, re-shipping charges will apply.
  • In case of delays beyond our control, we will notify customers via email/SMS.

For any delivery-related queries, contact us at:
📧 Email: admin@bombaywalasweets.com
📞 Phone: +91 92090 50077